Protecting surfaces and machinery is important not only in a manufacturing facility but also in the average household. With that being said, plastic feet are a smart, easy and affordable way to easily keep these things protected. These parts are available in a variety of different styles, materials and sizes to handle all situations. These reliable and economical products are placed under an object-most likely a piece of machinery-to provide a barrier between the load and the surface it rests on. In other words, these small parts have the ability to prevent a piece of equipment or furniture from scratching or vibrating on a surface.
When deciding on what type of plastic feet one may need, there are many characteristics to consider. The style is the most important of these characteristics. One must first be able to understand the type of area the feet will be resting on. For example, if the equipment will be in contact with a flat area then a simple nylon tack on foot would be acceptable. However, for an area that is curved, these flat parts will not work. In that case, coved bumper feet would be the best alternative. The next thing to consider when thinking about the style is the type of fastener one may need to utilize. Whether it's by screw or rivet there are a variety of ways that these parts can be attached. While all of the products are reliable options, the screw on bumper feet are the most popular choice for a more permanent fixture. These feet also have the capability to be used as spacers or door stops due to their versatility and durability.
Furniture Feet Protectors
The size of the feet is also a deciding factor in choosing which part is the right choice for a certain application. These parts are offered in a wide range of sizes to ensure maximum protection. Smaller machines may be able to rest on a smaller part while much larger pieces of equipment require a much larger foot. Becoming more familiar with the type of machinery or furniture these feet will be attached to will help choose the most beneficial part for anyone's needs.
The final thing to consider is the material of the feet. This is especially important when seeing if the equipment is going to be permanently stationed in an area or moving around quite frequently. In cases where a large piece of machinery is more than likely going to be permanently located, a part made from a rubber base material is the best option. This material helps to prevent movement while also absorbing the vibration that the machine creates. In other situations where the machinery may be constantly or even just slightly mobile, a part made from nylon would be the most logical answer. The nylon material allows for the equipment or furniture to easily glide along a surface without causing any damaging cuts or scratches.
Plastic feet are a reliable, economical way of easily protecting machinery, furniture and surfaces. As stated above, there are a variety of different types to accommodate everyone's needs. Knowing and reviewing the type of situation and application in which these parts will be used will help one understand the best style, size and material to choose when deciding on which part is the most practical for your application.
Special Price!!! Prince Lionheart Jumbo Toy Hammock
Oct 29, 2011 15:04:14
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